Welcome & Opening Remarks
- BSides Galway
Proactive Security Through Historical Knowledge
- Bob McArdle
The Vulnerability in your Pocket
- Ben Aveling
The Current State of Ransomware
- Sebastian Gebhard
APIcalypse Now: Hunting APIs to Profit
- Nithin Ravi
Intelligence Driven Threat Actor Analysis
BlackBasta and Affiliates
- Daniel Hayman
Deepfakes & Dark Side AI Attacks
- James McQuiggan
Examining Access Control Vulnerabilities
in GraphQL - A Field Case Study
- Bogdan Tiron
Building World Class Security-First
Engineering Culture
- Roman Zhukov
Measuring and Managing Cyber Risk –
A Quantitative Approach using the FAIR Methodology
- Gerry Carrol
Closing Remarks & Presentation Of CTF Prizes
- BSides Galway